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Under The Same Sky: GalileoMobile Documentary Released
16 December 2013

During the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) in 2009, GalileoMobile travelled through Chile, Peru, and Bolivia to give underprivileged communities scientific education materials, and to host star-viewing parties for students and the public. The idea behind the admirable project was the use the excitement of astronomical discovery and the diversity and richness of the South American traditions to encourage a feeling of ‘unity under the same sky’ between people of different cultures and backgrounds.

This week, GalileoMobile proudly announced the release of Bajo un Mismo Cielo ('Under the Same Sky'), a documentary depicting the expedition to South America during IYA2009. The film tells the story of a road trip that lasted two months and travelled over seven thousand kilometers, GalileoMobile visited schools and communities to perform science activities and organise astronomical observations. Through children's eyes, an encounter from different visions and interpretations of the sky is made, from East to West and from ancient times to modern astronomy, exploring the richness of human culture preserved in the traditions of the Andean people.

This documentary conveys a message of interaction beyond borders, of unity “under the same sky”, while showing the richness of the Andean cultures and cosmo-visions. The teaching material used throughout the film is compiled in a handbook called “Cartilla de Actividades GalileoMobile”, which includes the instructions for hands-on activities and the explanation of the physical phenomena studied in each of them. The handbook of activities is available for free download at

The documentary will soon be available also with subtitles in French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Bajo un Mismo Cielo (Under the Same Sky) - GalileoMobile documentary from galileomobile on Vimeo.



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Daytime Observations in the Andes
GalileoMobile: Under the Same Sky
GalileoMobile: Under the Same Sky