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International Network

UNAWE recognises the importance of forming strong international links and the benefits they bring, allowing the opportunity to exchange knowledge, erase misconceptions and share resources. This is why, since its foundation, the project has put so much effort into forming a network which now consists of well over 1,000 astronomers, educators and communicators from 63 countries around the world. Each member country has a national programme, which coordinates its UNAWE activities and acts as a point of contact for people to find out what is happening in their local area.

An international network gives us the ability to share knowledge and resources, ensuring that UNAWE is up to date with the fast-paced field of astronomy, and that we are providing the most relevant information in an effective and engaging way, and that all areas of the world have access to necessary equipment for providing good education. It allows educators and communicators from around the world to discuss experiences and successful teaching methods, which translates to a better quality of education for students and the public alike.

In this ever-shrinking world children are certain to grow up into jobs that require them to communicate and work alongside colleagues from all corners of the globe, making it imperative that they are introduced to different languages and cultures from the youngest possible age, and shown thay they are part of a global community. The network allows UNAWE to run exciting international projects, reaching and introducing teachers, students and the general public from all backgrounds and continents.

While technology today makes it as easy as the click of a button to directly connect with people from around the world, it's not compulsory to have the latest technology. International collaborators without access to the internet or a decent phone connection can interact through the post; UNAWE often posts resources such as posters, books, games and educational activites to new homes to be utilised around the world. This is one of the ways our international network helps provide aid to less developed regions, one of the most important UNAWE goals ever since its foundation.